
Jan 2021 • 4 weeks
Design System
User testing

I teamed up with some Wellesley designers to create an all-in-one management platform for students.

↗Check out the MVP


Product Designer


PM/Dev: Zoe Allen
Design: Julie Lely, Adhel Gheng, Audrey Mock


Google Suite (Forms, Sheets), Figma, Facebook


The problem

Wellesley students find registering for classes and planning their courses confusing and time-consuming.  Our team was responsible for improving these two processes for the student body.

The solution

Our solution was an all-in-one management platform that optimizes a student’s workflow by centralizing key academic records and documents. By having all the resources in one place, the platform saves students’ time and provides the resources necessary to plan every semester thoughtfully and quickly.


The Challenge

With the turn of a new semester comes the time to choose your class schedule and plan your future. Simple...right? Or not so much.

There's the struggle of trying to pick the right balance between impossible, medium, and easy level classes. Furthermore, Wellesley students have to manage 5 different websites to piece together their ideal schedule.

design goals


After sharing an MVP with the student body, I got iterated based on the feedback from a survey we sent out. The main focus of the second iteration being: design for trust.  The ultimate fear of rating a professor is the fear of your identity being revealed.  

rating process
The review process was split into 3 phases in an easily exit-able window from the Home Page.

1. Course Info is where students fill out details about the course they took with the professor and whether it was taken remotely.

2. Ratings includes 3 key metrics: Overall Rating, Likeliness to Recommend and Clarity of Lectures. These metrics were determined from surveying 20 students in the Research phase of the project.

3. Character is where students can easily add 5 tags to describe the professor and leave a written review.
The largest concern of students was the uncertainty of anonymous reviews. To solve this pain point, I embedded notions of privacy in the rating process. The main goal was to reassure users that their anonymity would be ensured.
Based on feedback, students had difficulty locating the Rate my Professor feature. I decided to try out different forms of breadcrumbs for the user. After sharing my options with my team, I decided on a hover-state pop-up box.



The website was shipped and we received over 200 signups within the first week. My specific Rate my Professor feature had around 20 submissions in the first week. Ultimately, our solution successfully solved the pain points Wellesley students in creating a schedule for classes.

The Facebook post announcing the shipment of W.Hub
Morning Brew