
March 2020 • 7 days
Branding Design
Rapid Prototyping
High-fidelity frames

A mobile app that encourages fuel-efficient mentoring for incoming college students through AI algorithmic matching.
Click here for the Figma prototype.


Google Design Challenge 2021


Product Designer


Google Suite (Forms, Hangout, Mail), Figma, FigJam

what is the problem connectify solves?

Reflecting on my transition to college, I thought back to my challenges as a first year. Something I lacked was a career student mentor. When I had questions about different internship experiences and career paths I had no idea where to start. And that is what Connectify offers: a space for structured mentorship.

I wanted to see how the sausage gets made.


I was curious to know how Googlers would go about a sprint. Some quick internet searches led me right to the Google Design Sprint Kit! Following the steps that Design @Google laid out, I created a sprint agenda to outline my week ahead. The sprint kit included several useful activities for the ideation phases of the design process which helped get the ball rolling.

competitive analysis

I researched what solutions already existed and what I could learn from them. Instead of looking to social media platforms, I looked for platforms with missions directly relating to mentorship.

Mentor Collective
  • Research-driven matching algorithm
  • Engagement Hub
  • Student surveys with human insight
Tribute Mentorship
  • Story first, credentials second
  • Self-guided matching and AI recs
  • One-click scheduling
  • Give and receive feedback
  • Qualitative and quantitative measures of success: dashboard analytics
  • Build momentum: resource hub
  • Smart-match into mentor groups with the Mentorloop algorithm

define the problem

In addition to user reviews I found for the platforms researched in my competitive analysis, I set out a Google Forms survey that I sent out to 15 students.

User Flows

This phase was for me to step back and take a breather.  I reviewed my notes and thoughts that came up as I was ideating.

User flow of onboarding based on qualitative research
🧘🏻 Flexibility
Creating opportunities for users to become a mentor for however long and at any time of the year
☕ Fuel-efficient mentoring
HBR defines it as a relationship that grows mentees confidence and conserves energy of mentors. This  inspired a feature to set baseline expectations for mentees.
👩🏻‍💼 WANTED: career mentors!
67% of students interviewed didn't have a student mentor for career development and 100% wanted one

design decisions


I focused on reviewing my sketches and considering the assumptions that were underlying my ideas.  The major assumptions I made are that all students have a smart-phone device and that the universities that will use Connectify have an active student body with both mentees and mentors interested in meeting.

final prototype

Equipped with my research, I was ready to transform my solution into a high-fidelity prototype. I was very excited about this phase because I could finally put my work to the test.

01/ curated feed

This feed is based on the onboarding process that is required for every student. The feed offers students a central location for announcements and community events from each department subscribed to and clubs interested in. A recurring pain point for college students was getting spammed with emails from random clubs and organizations-Connectify not only offers mentorship but the spaces to meet these other students on campus.

02/ onboarding

To help cut down on the small-talk, I created a step for students to choose topic tags that pop up on their profile page. In my video interviews, students had complained about the awkward small-talk phase at the beginning of calls so I wanted to include a feature to help break the ice.

What do you need help with?
Students also have the option to choose their purpose(s) for using Connectify. This helps the AI-algorithm generate helpful matches with mentors that are offering guidance in those specific categories.

03/ fuel efficient mentoring

I wanted to create the simplest user flow for scheduling a meetup to really encourage students to utilize the network that Connectify provides.


One of my favorite parts of the design process is talking with users which I didn’t get a chance to do with Connectify.  I did get a chance to send my Figma prototype to 10 Wellesley college students and I received a 90% satisfaction rate. If I had more time, I would have worked on a user flow for administration involvement in checking mentor applications and moderating the Connectify ecosystem.

Morning Brew